Wednesday 23 November 2016

Bio Data Form


Height…………………………… Batch/Identity…………………………………………………
Weight………………………….. Course…………………………………………………………
Identification Mark……………………………. Date………………………………………..……
1.          Station………..………………………
o Name in Full (capital letters)……………………………..………………………………….
o Father’s Name in Capital…………………..……………………………………………….
o You’re Date of birth………….…… (d)age……….years……...month…...…days
o Father’s occupation………..……….. Exact designation/Rank………………...………..
o Father’s Income……………………… Total family income……………………………....
o Father’s qualification………………. Mother’s qualification…………………………..
o How many brothers and sis (including dead)……….Your position in order……………
o Brother’s occupation……………………………………………………………….………..
o Religion…………………………..Sect……….. Caste………….Sub-caste……………
o Mother tongue……………………………………………………………………………….
o Married or single……………………………If married, years of married life…………….
o Name of husband (in case of female candidates)………………………………………
o Occupation of wife/husband……………………… No. of children……………………
o Your favorite personality……………………………….Why………………………………
2. Particulars of all previous appearances at GHQ,ISSB selection board concealments of correct                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         information is liable to disqualify you and may be declared as unfit for commission to ARMY,NAVY,PAF.
Batch/Identity No.    Course        Date      Result Medical result

3.                                               EDUCATION

Name of school and college attended Year Certificate/degree obtained Grade/marks/ percentage Scholarship & Prizes
B.A\B Sc
M.A\M Sc

4.                                                       SOCIAL ACTIVITIES
School, College, & University. Literary, Debating, Drama Society, Magazine etc. Your position
e.g. Chairman/ Secretary/ Editor/ Member     Prize etc.             Year
 From               To              

5.                                                      GAMES AND SPORTS

(in order of skills) Class of team e.g.School,college, university Your Position in team Number of years played Prizes/Championship

    (a) Did you ever live in hostel while you were living in hostel...……………………........
         If so, how long……………………Between what ages? ………………………………………
    (b) Have you traveled abroad, If yes, Country, Duration of stay………………………….
    (c) What type of friends do you like to have?………………………………………………
    (d) Your interest/Hobbies……………………………………………………………………..
    (e) Where were you brought up village or Town……………………………………………
         Place of Birth………………………..District……………………………………………..
7. Have you been in any military trg. Institution………………………………….Year……………
    Reason for leaving…………………………………………………………………………….
8. Were you a member of NCC, Janbaz Forces, Flying Club, Scouting………………………………..
    If yes, how long, any distinction………………………………………………………………………….

9. i) Age of father if alive……………………………If dead, age at death………………………………
     ii)Age of mother if alive………………………….If dead, age at death………………………………
    iii)Your age at father death………………………Your age at mother death……………………….
   iv) Cause of death :( FATHER)……………………….. (MOTHER)……………………………………
   v) Did your father/mother remarry ……………………………………………………………………..
   vi) What was your age when father/mother remarry?………………………………………………..
   vii) Were you brought up by your own parents……………………………………………………….
       If not who did bring you up and between what ages……………………………………………
     (a) How much, were you absent from school on account of illness (count periods exceeding two weeks)…………………………………………………………..
     (b) What surgical operation you have undergone?..................................................................
     (c) Were you ever knocked out unconscious by a fault or accident and for how long……………………………
     (d) Did you ever suffer from the following? If so underline those are applicable:-
11. List your brothers and sisters including yourself from oldest to youngest (including those who are dead). Include step
Brothers and step sisters. Write “B” for brother and “S” for sister “X” for yourself, “S/B” for step brother and “S/S” for step sister. Do not include cousins.

        B or S AGE                                               OCCUPATION

(a) Unemployed……………………Years………………………..Months…………………………………
(b) Give below particulars of all civil jobs you have held.


Arm or Department Your appointment and exact job Salary Duration Reason for leaving

             (a)       Particulars:
Service number………………. Type of commission……………………………………..
Date of commission………………….. Date of enlistment in ranks……………………..
Total service……………………… Years……………………. Months………………….
Position of passing out from academy ……………………………………………………
Award/Distinction at academy ……………………………………………………………
    (b)       Appointments held:

Name of course Time held (Y/M) Appointment in rank Name of unit & Arm of service

           (c). Military courses (other than pre- commission trg.)
      Name of course     Duration in weeks                    School & place Result

        (d). Have you been on active service………………………………………………………………. If yes, which campaign ……………………………….……………………..Rank…………………………………………………
Decorations and medals……………………………………………………………………………………………………
14. What career do you intend to adopt if not selected………………………………………………………….. Why…………………………………………………………………………..
15. Briefly describe about the most unforgettable incident of your life:-

16. The information given below is correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs:
Signatures: ……………………
Permanent address……………………..

Saturday 19 November 2016

Physics Definitions

Scalar:   A scalar is a quantity that has magnitude only.

Vector:   A vector is a quantity that has magnitude and direction.

The moment (or torque) of a force: The turning effect of a force (or moment or torque) about a point is defined as the force x the perpendicular distance from the point to the line of action of the force, i.e. moment = F × d.   UNIT:  Nm.

The principle of moments:  For a system to be in equilibrium, ∑ anticlockwise moments about a point = ∑ clockwise moments about the same point.

Centre of gravity: The centre of gravity is the single point within a body at which the entire weight of the body is considered to act.

Displacement:  The displacement of a point B from a point A is the shortest distance from A to B, together with the direction.  UNIT:  m.

Mean Speed: Mean speed = total distance travelled total time taken x t ∆ = ∆ UNIT:  ms-1.

Instantaneous Speed: instantaneous speed = rate of change of distance UNIT:  ms-1.

 Mean Velocity:  Mean velocity = total displacement total time taken  UNIT:  ms-1.

 Instantaneous Velocity: The velocity of a body is the rate of change of displacement.  UNIT:  ms-1
Mean Acceleration: Mean Acceleration = change in velocity time taken v t ∆ = ∆ UNIT:  ms-2.

Instantaneous Acceleration: The instantaneous acceleration of a body is its rate of change of velocity. UNIT:  ms

Terminal Velocity: The terminal velocity is the constant, maximum velocity of an object when the resistive forces on it are equal and opposite to the accelerating forces (e.g. pull of gravity).

Hookes Law: The tension in a spring or wire is proportional to its extension from its natural length, provided the extension is not too great.

Spring Constant: The spring constant is the force per unit extension. UNIT:  Nm-1.

Stress: Stress is the force per unit cross-sectional area when equal opposing forces act on a body. UNIT:   Pa or Nm-2.

Strain: Strain is defined as the extension per unit length due to an applied stress. UNIT:  none

The Young Modulus: Young Modulus tensile stress tensile strain E = Unless otherwise indicated this is defined for the Hookes Law region. UNIT:  Nm-2

Amplitude: The amplitude is defined as the maximum displacement of any particle from its equilibrium position.

Wavelength of a progressive wave: The wavelength of a progressive wave is the minimum distance between two points on the wave oscillating in phase.

Frequency of a wave: The frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of a wave that pass a given point in one second, or equivalently The frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of oscillation performed by any particle in the medium through which the wave is passing.

Velocity of a wave: The velocity of a wave is the distance that the wave profile moves per unit time.

Intensity of a wave: Energy per second passing normally through a given area / Area

 A transverse wave: is one where the particle oscillations are at 90° (right angles) to the direction of travel (or propagation) of the wave.

Longitudinal wave: A longitudinal wave is one where the particle oscillations are in line with (parallel to) the direction of travel (or propagation) of the wave.

 The principle of superposition: The principle of superposition states that if two or more waves occupy the same region then the total displacement at any one point is the vector sum of their individual displacements at that point.

Coherence: Waves or wave sources, which have a constant phase difference between them (and therefore must have the same frequency) are said to be coherent.

Phase difference: Phase difference is the difference in position of 2 points within a cycle of oscillation measured as a fraction of the cycle. [Alternatively it can be expressed as an angle where one whole cycle is 360°]

Snells law: At the boundary between any two given materials, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant.

Electric current, I: This is the rate of flow of electric charge. I = ∆Q/∆t.    Unit: A

 Potential difference (p.d.), V: The p.d. between two points is the energy converted from electrical potential energy to some other form per coulomb of charge flowing from one point to the other. Unit: volt (V) [= JC-1].

e.m.f: The e.m.f. of a source is the energy converted from some other form (e.g. chemical) to electrical potential energy per coulomb of charge flowing through the source. Unit: volt (V) [= JC-1].
Ohms Law: The current flowing through a metal wire at constant temperature is proportional to the p.d. across it.

Electrical Resistance, R: The resistance of a conductor is the p.d. (V) placed across it divided by the resulting current  (I) through it. R = V / I    Unit: ohm

 Resistivity, ρ: The resistance, R, of a metal wire of length L and cross-sectional area A is given by R = ρ L / A, in which ρ , the resistivity, is a constant (at constant temperature) for the material of the wire.  Unit: ohm-metre

Temperature coefficient of resistance, α: If the resistance of a conductor at 0C is R0 and its resistance at  θ C is Rθ then α  is defined by: α  = (Rθ  R0 ) / R0 θ . [It is the fractional change in resistance per degree rise in temperature above 0C.] Unit: °C-1

The Law of Conservation of Charge: Electric charge cannot be created or destroyed, (though positive and negative charges can neutralize each other). In a purely resistive circuit charge cannot pile up at a point.

Nucleon: Protons and neutrons have similar masses. They are both classed as nucleons.

 Atomic mass number: A The atomic mass number of an atom is the number of nucleons (number of protons + number of neutrons) in its nucleus.

Atomic number, Z: The atomic number of an atom is the number of protons in its nucleus.This determines the chemical element which the atom represents.

Nuclide: A nuclide is a particular variety of nucleus, that is a nucleus with a particular A and Z.

Isotope: Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.  

Electron volt. (eV): This is the energy transferred when an electron moves between two points with a potential difference of     1 volt between them.  1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J

Ionisation: The removal of one or more electrons from an atom. 3.2.6(f)

Ionisation energy: The ionization energy of an atom is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the atom. Unit: J

Work function: The work function of a surface is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface. Unit: J  [or eV]

Photoelectric effect: When light or ultraviolet radiation of short enough wavelength falls on a surface, electrons are emitted from the surface. This is the photoelectric effect.

credit goes to

Life Of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW (Urdu)

Hazrat Muhammad SAWW

Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was born in Mecca ( Makkah), Arabia, on Monday, 12 Rabi' Al-Awal (2 August A.D. 570). His mother, Aminah, was the daughter of Wahb Ibn Abdu Manaf of the Zahrah family. His father, 'Abdullah, was the son of Abdul Muttalib. 

First wife of Holy Prophet S.A.W is Hazrat Khadija R.A
Second wife of Holy Prophet S.A.W is Hazrat Sawda Bint Zam'a R.A
Third wife of Holy Prophet S.A.W is Hazrat Ayesha R.A

Total number of wives of Holy Prophet S.A.W were 12

Names of Umhat ul Momeneen (R.A):
Hazrat Khadeja R.A
Hazrat Sauda R.A
Hazrat Ayesha R.A
Hazrat Hafsa R.A
Hazrat Zainab Binte Khazeema R.A
Hazrat Salmah R.A
Hazrat Zainab Binte Hajash R.A
Hazrat Umeh Habiba R.A
Hazrat Safiya R.A
Hazrat Memona R.A
Hazrat Maria Kibtiah R.A
Hazrat Javeriah R.A

Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W had 3 sons and 4 daughters

Names of sons:
Hazrat Al-Qasim (mother Hazrat Khadija R.A) (598 – 600 or 601 AD)
Hazrat Abdullah (mother Hazrat Khadija R.A) (d. 615 AD)
Hazrat Ibrahim (mother Hazrat Maria R.A) (630-631)

All the three sons died in their childhood.
Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah are buried in Jannat ul Moalla, Mecca
whereas Hazrat Ibrahim rests in peace at Jannat ul Baki, Madina tul Munawarah.

Names of daughters:
Hazrat Zainab R.A, (599 – 630 AD) she was his eldest daughter.
Hazrat Ruqayah R.A (601 – 624 AD)
Hazrat Umme Kalsoom R.A (603 – 630 AD)
Hazrat Fatima R.A(604 – 632AD)


CONTINENTS (by size) 

#1 Asia - (44,579,000 sq km)
#2 Africa - (30,065,000 sq km)
#3 North America - (24,256,000 sq km)
#4 South America - (17,819,000 sq km)
#5 Antarctica - (13,209,000 sq km)
#6 Europe - (9,938,000 sq km)
#7 Australia/Oceania - (7,687,000 sq km)

CONTINENTS (by population) 

#1 Asia - (3,674,000,000)
#2 Africa - (778,000,000)
#3 Europe - (732,000,000)
#4 North America - (483,000,000)
#5 South America - (342,000,000)
#6 Australia/Oceania - (31,000,000)
#7 Antarctica - (0)

CONTINENTS (by the number of countries) 

#1 Africa - (53)
#2 Europe - (46)
#3 Asia - (44)
#4 North America - (23)
#5 Oceania - (14)
#6 South America - (12)

Names of seven Asian Countries:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, China, Iran, Malaysia

Names of seven African Countries:
Zimbabwe, Sudan, South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Kenya, Libya

Names of seven European Countries:
United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Cyprus

Names of seven South American Countries:
Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay

Names of seven North American Countries:
United States, Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Canada, Panama

Names of seven Oceania Countries:
Australia, New Zealand, Soloman Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia

credit goes to

Motto & Nishan-e-Haider

. Motto of Pakistan Army: Imaan, Taqwa or Jihad Fi-Sabilullah
. Motto of Pakistan Navy: Himmat ka alam, mojo pe qadam, Allah ka karam
. Motto of Pakistan Air Force: Sehra aust kh drya aust teh-o-bala-o-furma aust
. Motto of Quaid-e-Azam: Unity, Faith, Discipline  (Itihad, Iman, Nazm)
. Motto of Pakistan Rangers: Daim's Sahir'n "Ever Ready"

Nishan-e-Haider is the highest military gallantry award. Nishan-e-Haider is made of gun metal, captured from the enemy in the previous wars, with a green ribbon and a star with five points is awarded to soldiers who show great bravery and courage in war or on active duty.

Established 16 March 1957  (applied retrospectively from 14 August 1947)
First awarded 16 March 1957 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1947, Captain Muhammad Sarwar, Pakistan Army
Last awarded 15 July 1999 – Kargil War, Havildar Lalak Jan, Pakistan Army
Total awarded 10

Only ten Nishan-e-Haider medals have been awarded since Pakistan's independence on 14 August 1947,
Nine to members of the Pakistan Army and one to a member of the Pakistan Air Force.

Below is the list of Nishan-e-Haider recipients.

1) Raja Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed Captain              Date of Martyrdom: 27 July 1948
2) Tufail Mohammad Shaheed Major         Date of Martyrdom: 7 August 1958
3) Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed         Major         Date of Martyrdom: 10 September 1965
4) Rashid Minhas Shaheed          Pilot Officer         Date of Martyrdom: 20 August 1971
5) Rana Shabbir Sharif Shaheed Major Date of Martyrdom: 6 December 1971
6) Raja Muhammad Hussain Janjua Shaheed Sawar Date of Martyrdom: 10 December 1971
7) Muhammad Akram Shaheed Major Date of Martyrdom: 5 December 1971
8) Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed Lance Naik Date of Martyrdom: 17 December 1971
9) Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed                Captain Date of Martyrdom: 7 July 1999
10) Lalak Jan Shaheed         Havildar          Date of Martyrdom: 7 July 1999

Capitals and Currencies of some important countries


Afghanistan    Kabul        Afghani
Argentina    Buenos Aires Peso
Australia     Canberra Australian Dollar
Austria Vienna Euro
Azerbaijan Baku Manat
Bangladesh Dhaka Taka
Bhutan Thimpu Ngultrum
Brazil Brasilia Real
Canada Ottawa Canadian Dollar
Chile Santiago Chilean Peso
China Beijing Yuan
Croatia Zagreb Kuna
Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus Pound
Denmark Copenhagen Krone
Egypt Cairo Egyptian Pound
Finland Helsinki Euro
France Paris Euro
Germany Berlin Euro
Greece Athens Euro
Haiti Port-Au-Prince Gourde
Hungary Budapest Forint
India New Delhi Indian Rupee
Iran Tehran Rial
Iraq Baghdad Iraqi Dinar
Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah
Israel Jerusalem Shekel
Italy Rome Euro
Jamaica Kingston Jamaican DOllar
Japan Tokyo Yen
Kenya Nairobi Kenya Shilling
North Korea Pyongyang Won
South Korea Seoul Won
Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwaiti Dinar
Lebanon Beirut Lebanese Pound
Libya Tripoli Libyan Dinar
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringit
Malta Valletta Maltese Lira
Mexico Mexico City Mexican Peso

Myanmar (Burma) Rangoon;
Naypyidaw (administrative) Kyat

Morocco Rabat Dirhim
Nepal Kathmandu Nepalese Rupee

Netherlands Amsterdam; The Hague
(seat of government) Euro

New Zealand Wellington New Zealand Dollar
Nigeria Abuja Naira
Norway Oslo Norwegian Krone
Oman Muscat Omani Rial
Pakistan Islamabad Pakistani Rupee
Philippines Manila Peso
Qatar Doha Qatari Rial
Russia Moscow Ruble
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Riyal
Singapore Singapore Singapore DOllar
South Africa Cape Town Rand
Sri Lanka Colombo Sri Lanka Rupee
Spain Madrid Euro
Syria Damascus Syrian Pound
Tajikistan Dushanbe Somoni
Thailand Bangkok Baht
Turkey Ankara Turkish Lira
Turkmenistan Ashgabat Manat
Ukraine Kyiv Hryvna
UAE Abu Dhabi U.A.E Dirhim
UK London Pound Sterling
USA Washington D.C. Dollar
Yemen Sanaa Rial
Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwean DOllar



World War I
Began: 28th July 1914
Ended: 11th November 1918

World War II
Began: 1st September 1939
Ended: 2nd September 1945

. First battle of Panipat began in 1526
. Second battle of Panipat began in 1556
. Third battle of Panipat began in  1761

. Height of Mount Everest is 8848m (Highest Mountain in the world)
. Height of K2 is 8611m (2nd Highest Mountain in the World)
. Height of Tirich Mir is 7708m (Highest Mountain of the Hindu Kush Range)

Thailand is called the land of white elephants

. River Nile is the largest river in the world, length 4258 miles or 6853 km

. Amazon River is the 2nd largest river in the world, length 4000 miles or 6437 km
Flows in Colombia, Peru and Brazil

. Yangtze is the 3rd largest river in the world and the longest river in Asia, length 3915 miles or 6300 km
Flows in China

. The tallest building of the world is Burj al khalifa.

Oceans (From Largest to Smallest):
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Southern Ocean
Arctic Ocean

Pakistan Forces GK 3

پاکستان کے موجودہ چیف آف آرمی سٹاف کون ہے ؟

  •  جنرل راحیل شریف

پاکستان کے 4 مارشل لاء ایڈمنسٹریٹرجو چیف ایگزیکٹو کہلاتے تھے کون تھے؟

  •  جنرل مشرف

پاکستان میں کل کتنے فوجی اعزاز دیئے جاتے ہیں ؟

  •  7

بریّ فوج کے پہلے کمانڈر انچیف جنرل سرفرینک میسروی 15اگست 1947سے کب تک اپنے عہدے پر تعینات رہے ؟

  •  فروری 1948

پاکستان نے غوری مزائیل کا تجربہ کب کیا تھا؟

  •  6 April 1998

شاہین مزائیل کا تجربہ کب کیا گیا ؟

  •  15 April 1999

  غوری 2 تجربہ کے وقت کا ہدف کونسا علاقہ تھا؟

  •   دریائے سندھ

میجر طفیل ۔میجر عزیز اور کیپٹن سرور تینوں نے نشان حیدر حاصل کیا ان کا تعلق کس رجمنٹ سے تھا۔

  •   پنجاب رجمنٹ

کیپٹن کرنل شیر خان نے نشان حیدر اگست 1999میں حاصل کیا ۔ان کو کس محاذ کے لیے یہ بہادری کا سب سے بڑا اعزاز دیا گیا ؟

  •   کارگل سیکٹر

شاہین مزایئل کس بیس سے چھوڑا گیا تھا؟

  •   سونمیانی بیس

 غوری 2 کی کتنے کلومیٹر رینج ہے ؟

  •  2000-2300 KM

غوری مزائیل کی کتنے کلومیٹر رینج ہے ؟

  •  1500

پاکستان کے پہلے سول مارشل لاء ایڈمنسٹریٹر کون تھے؟

  •  ذولفقار علی بھٹو

فضائیہ کے پہلے کمانڈر انچیف ائیر مارشل آر۔ایل۔آچری کس عرصہ میں اس عہدہ پر رہے؟

  •  اگست 15 , 1947 تا جنوری 1958

حوالدار لالک جان کارگل سیکٹر پر شہید ہوئے ۔ان کو نشان حیدر کس تاریخ کو دیا گیا؟

  •  14 August 1999

پاکستان نے کل کتنے ایٹمی تجربات کیے تھے؟

  •  6

 غوری 2 مزائیل کا تجربہ کب کیا تھا؟

  •  17 Aug 1998

شاہین مزائیل کی رینج کتنے کلومیٹر ہے ؟

  •  750

پاکستان نے ایٹمی دھماکے کس صوبے میں کیے ؟

  •  Baluchistan

بحری فوج کے پہلے کمانڈر انچیف گفرڈ جیمز وانفرائڈ 15اگست 1947 سے کب تک اپنے عہدے پر برقرار رہے ؟

  •  2 February 1953

پاکستان کے پہلے چیف مارشل لاء ایڈمنسٹر یٹرجنرل ایوب 27اکتوبر1958تا کب تک اس عہدہ پر رہے؟

  •  8 June 1962

اب تک ٹوٹل کتنے جانباز نشان حیدر حاصل کر چکے ہیں ؟

  •  10

 غوری 2 مزائیل نے 1380کلومیٹر کا فاصلہ کتنے وقت میں کیا تھا؟

  •  8 Minutes

سکاوٹ کی فوجی اصطلاح سے کیا مراد ہے ؟

  •  جاسوس یا مخبر

 غوری 2 تجربہ کے وقت کا ہدف کونسا علاقہ تھا؟